Cambio Card Game

The card game Golf takes it's name from the fact that each player attempts to end each hand and the game with the fewest number of points as in the sport of the same name. The game is also sometimes known under the names Polish Polka or Turtle. This game should not be confused with the Solitaire card game which also bears this same name. That game is described at this link.

A player gives each player four cards and puts the deck in the middle, revealing one card next to it, where all the discarded cards will go. Each player takes a peak at the first two cards in front of him or her. Players must remember their cards before returning them. At their turn, a player can. With origins tracing back to Central and South America, KOMBIO provides an addictive balance between luck and strategy. The goal of the game is to get the lowest score. Ability cards allow players to view and swap cards from their hand and other player's hands. Use speed to be the first to match atop the last discarded card.

There are variants of this game featuring various numbers of cards in the player's layouts, but the four card version will be described first. For versions of the game using differing number of cards as well as other modified versions of the game, see the variations section below.
Four card Golf is designed to be played by 2 to 8 players using one standard deck. Although the cards, for purposes of this game are not ranked, each card does have a point value which is used for calculating scores at the end of each hand. The following chart shows the point value of each card in the deck:
CardPoint Value
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10Face value marked on card
Jack, Queen10

Determination of the first dealer and seating positions can be performed using a number of methods, with drawing for low cards a common method. The players would take seats at the table in order based on the point value of the card drawn, from lowest point value to the highest. The player drawing the lowest point total card becomes the first dealer. If two or more players draw cards with the same point value, those players should discard the card and draw again, continuing to do so until drawing a card no other player has yet drawn.

Cabo (game) - Wikipedia

Once the players are seated and the dealer selected, the dealer thoroughly shuffles the deck and offers it to the player at his right to cut. After the cut, the dealer then deals four face-down cards to each player one at a time and in a clockwise rotation, starting with the player at his immediate left. After the players have received his four card hand, he should arrange them in a face-down rectangle consisting of two rows of two cards each. When arranging the cards the player should never view the cards he was dealt. The dealer then places the remainder of the undealt pack in the center of the table as the stock, taking the top card of the stock and laying it face-up beside the stock pile to start the discard pile. Before play begins, each player may then look at the two cards nearest to himself in his own layout. being careful not to show any other player the point value of these cards. Once he looks at these cards he places them back and may no longer look at the values of any of his face-down cards in his layout. In fact, a player may never again, during the hand look at the values of the face-down cards which are part of his layout. The player to the dealer's immediate left has the first turn and play then rotates in a clockwise rotation around the table.
On his turn, a player may take any one of several actions on that turn, as follows, with the ultimated goal to cause his four card layout to have the lowest total point value of any player in this hand:

Rules For Cambio Card Game

  • Draw the top card from the stock:
  • The player draws a card from the top of the face-down stock and looks at it's face. If he does not want to replace any of the cards in his own layout with the card drawn, he may simply discard it, placing it face-up on top of the discard pile. However, if the player elects to replace a card from his layout with the newly drawn card, he may not first look at any of the cards in his layout, but simply takes one of the cards in his layout and places that card face-up on the top of the discard pile, replacing that card with the card just drawn. Once he elects to replace a card he may not change his mind, and must discard the card removed from his layout, replacing it with the card drawn from the stock.
  • Draw the top card from the discard pile:
  • If the player prefers, he may take the top, exposed card on the discard pile, replacing any one of the four cards in his layout with that card. He may not look at the faces of any of the face-down cards in his layout, but simply selects a card from his layout, removing it and placing it face up on the top of the discard pile, and then replacing the removed card with the card drawn from the discard pile at the start of his turn. The player may not change his mind once he has taken the top card of the discard pile and must replace one of the cards from his layout with the drawn card.
  • Knock:
  • If a player is satisfied with what he believes the current total point value of his layout is, the player may knock on his turn. He does this by simply clearly stating 'Knock' or rapping on the table with his knuckles such that all players can hear. He makes no other play on this turn. Once one player knocks each remaining player has exactly one more turn to exchange cards from the layout, starting with the next player to the left of the knocking player.


After a player knocks, each additional player in turn after the knocker has one more turn to attempt to improve his hand. In addition, if the last card of the stock is draw, the hand also immediately ends. After the hand ends, the players turn over all the cards in his layout and the cards are scored.

Cambio Card Game


Card Games To Play

As per the chart above, each card in the players layout is summed to determine his score for this hand (called a hole). Each players total is then added to that players cumulative total over the course of nine holes to make a complete game. After nine holes, the player with the lowest grand total is declared the game winner.