Kings Cup Drinking Game is an online version of the classic drinking game Ring of Fire. Whether you use the standard rules or create your own, all you have to do is invite your friends and play Just make sure you don't draw the last king!
On a scale from one to drunk, everyone knows King's Cup is the highest-ranked drinking game around in terms of its ability to get people wasted. But, after playing the game some three million times, we've found a way to keep the game interesting. Here are our 30 new rules you can use to take your drinking game from zero to shit-faced in no time.

1. Choo Choo Train: Every time you are laughing, you must pump your arms back and forth. This inevitably gets other people to laugh how ridiculous it looks and soon everyone is moving their arms which causes more laughing.
2. Every time you target someone (like in a two/you situation) you must touch the person's chin, look dreamily into their eyes, and ask politely for them to drink.
3. If you touch your phone during the game, the rule maker is allowed to send any text message to any contact in your phone.
- Jul 1, 2020 - Explore Jessica Wake's board 'Kings cup drinking game' on Pinterest. See more ideas about drinking games for parties, fun drinking games, alcohol games.
- Play the King's Cup drinking game online now! Perfect for team happy hours and virtual hang outs. Enjoy the modern spin on this classic drinking game with friends.
4. You must always refer to yourself in the Majestic Plural. (We are going to the bathroom. We need a refill. We think that Rooster's ideas suck.)
5. The Forehead Master: This is a similar rule to the thumb master but you use your forehead instead of your thumb. The last person to touch the table with their forehead has to drink. After a few drinks, people start slamming their heads and concussions start happening.
6. T-Rex Arms: Whenever you go to drink, you have to lock your elbows in at your sides so that you have T-Rex arms.
7. Everyone has to talk in the Christian Bale Batman voice.
8. The Get Down Mr. President: When the rule maker puts his/her finger up to their ear (like listening to a secret service earpiece) everyone must follow suit. Then, everyone jumps up and yells, 'Get down, Mr. President!' at the last person to do so, and gang tackles them to the ground.
9. Everyone has to start their sentences with 'hashtag' and end them with ''
10. You must end each sentence with a fake chapter and verse as if it were a bible quote: 'Dude, get your own fucking beer. Ballsaks 4:13.'
11. You have to talk dirty to your beer and call it nasty names before you drink.
12. Every time someone has to drink, they have to flex and kiss their arms, to which everyone must respond, 'NICE BICEPS!'
13. Every time you start to speak you have to start with, 'Back when I was a pedophile...'
14. Everyone has to talk like Foghorn Leghorn.
15. If you draw a queen, you have to eat it.
16. Any time someone draws a number card, they have to name a famous Asian. Not as easy as you think.
17. For Game of Thrones Fans ... The Hodor Rule: When someone uses a curse word they become Hodor. From this point on they can only say, 'Hodor,' until someone else curses and becomes the the new Hodor. They can also choose to fulfill their Hodor role by giving another player, of their choosing, a piggyback ride around the table.
18. If you check your phone, you need to stand and sing the chorus of Miley Cyrus' 'Wrecking Ball.'
See Full List On
19. If you laugh you have to quit drinking forever and only do heroin.

20. Everyone has to talk like a 70-year-old pack-a-day smoker from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn.
21. If you spill your drink, you have to human centipede with the people on either side of you.
22. Anytime you draw a king, you have to Instagram a picture of Patrick Swayze. Failure to do so is punishable by death.
23. If anyone laughs, everyone must laugh with them, but do so like a tiny Japanese anime schoolgirl. If you burst into regular laughter, your next upchuck is going to be significantly comprised of King's Cup sludge.
24. The Paraplegic: Everyone drinks, but everyone has been paralyzed from the waist down in a terrible accident. You can get booze in you any way you please, but you can't use your arms.
25. The Mama Bird: You can pick someone to Mama Bird the person to their right. They take a gulp of liquor in their mouth without swallowing it, and pass it to the person you chose either via cup or mouth. Then everyone gets Avian flu.
26. If anyone says the words 'drunk' or 'wasted' they have to take off their pants ... in under three seconds.
27. The Basic Bitch: If you're wearing flip-flops, a baseball cap, cargo shorts, a North Face, Uggs, or a CU shirt, you have to name three reasons why you love autumn.
28. If you draw a queen, you get to choose someone to make out with ... but you both have to be meowing the whole time or you lose your turn.
29. If someone draws an Ace and a waterfall goes down, the first person to finish their drink has to wear pizza as shoes.
30. At any point, you can chose any of the rules to apply to someone, provided you've been sitting in silence, wrapped in toilet paper like an alcohol mummy, for at least 20 minutes.
How to Play the Kings Cup Drinking Game
Kings Cup, sometimes known as Ring of Fire, involves assigning pre-determined rules to each card in a deck. Players take turns drawing cards and must drink according to the card they draw. Kings Cup is a great drinking game with friends and at parties.
Players: 3+ players
Required Supplies: Deck of Playing Cards, One Large Cup
Start by placing a large empty cup in the centre of your table. This is the Kings Cup. Take the deck of cards and spread them upside down around the cup. The cards should form a ring around the cup which is referred to as the Ring of Fire. Each player should start the game by pouring a bit of their drink into the Kings Cup.
Next up, you need to come up with a rule that you’ll associate with each card. Grab a piece of paper and write down “Ace, One, Two, Three….” etc, all the way up to King. Work as a group to come up with eleven rules and write one rule or each card from Ace up to Jack. The final two rules are always the same for the Queen and King cards. If a player draws a Queen card they must add some of their own drink into the King’s Cup in the centre of the table. If a player draws a King card they must drink whatever is in the King’s Cup. Below are some of my other favourite rules to help get you started with the other cards. Feel free to substitute any of your own rules in.
The Pioneer’s “Kings Cup” List:
- Ace – Waterfall: Everybody starts drinking their drink at the same time. Whoever drew the card can stop drinking whenever they want. Everybody in the circle must continue drinking as long as the person to their right is still drinking.
- Two – Give away two drinks. Give two drinks to anyone else in the circle.
- Three – Take three. Whoever drew the card takes three drinks of their drink.
- Four – Whores: Girls take a drink.
- Five – Categories: The player who drew the card picks a category. For example, “brands of vehicles”. Everyone in the circle name brands of cars, like Hyundai, Honda, Ford, etc. First person that can’t name a unique category loses and drinks.
- Six – Dicks: Guys take a drink.
- Seven – Sevens: Each person counts upwards from one in a circle. When it comes time to say “seven”, clap instead. The direction reverses and the previous person says “eight”. This continues for any multiple of seven or any number with seven in it like 17 or 27.
- Eight – Mate: Whoever picked the card chooses a drinking buddy. Whenever either drinking buddy has to drink for a cycle of turns, the other has to drink as well.
- Nine – Rhyme: The person that picked the card chooses a word. The next person in the circle has to choose a word that rhymes with the original word. The first person that can’t think of a rhyme loses and drinks.
- Ten – Never Have I Ever: Everyone holds up three fingers. The person who pulled the card says something they’ve never done. If anybody else in the circle has done this, they then lower a finger and take a drink. The first person to lower all three fingers loses and takes a drink.
- Jack – Thumbs: Whoever drew the card now has “thumbs”. At any point during the rest of the game they can place their thumb on the table. Everybody else in the group must then place their thumb on the table. The last person to do so takes a drink.
- Queen – Add some of your drink to the cup.
- King – Drink the Kings Cup.
Game Rules:
The first player starts by drawing a card from the ring of cards and places it face-up on the the table. They then follow the rule that is associated with the card. Once their turn is over the next person in the circle draws a card and follows the rules just like the first person. The game ends when all the cards are drawn from the ring of cards. Anytime that the circle is “broken” (a gap in cards from the ring) the person who drew the card must drink.
Kings Cup Drinking Games Rules
Alternate Rule (Mushroom):

Instead of playing with the ring of cards around the Kings Cup, instead play with an empty bottle in the middle. At the end of each person’s turn they must place their discarded card on top of the bottle. The next person who places a card on the bottle must place it with two of the card’s corners off of the other cards. Eventually the amount of cards will expand and become unstable. Whoever knocks the cards off the bottle must finish their drink.
Exploring the depths of a full mug of the good stuff and the vast possibilities of a new drinking game. The Pioneer is one of the original founders of the Drinking and Stuff website.